It’s no secret that the “easy step” Standard American Diet (SAD) is indeed sad. I like to call it SADD (Starving American Diet Destruction). Obesity, diabetes, cancer, auto-immune diseases, hormonal imbalances, infertility, and aaalll kinds of new, old, and even unheard of health issues are on the rise at an all time high in our society. It’s no wonder we need to do a body cleanse! From newborns to children to adults, the medical stories, mysteries, and tragedies slewn throughout the news on a regular basis in staggering numbers, is in my opinion, an epidemic to say the least. After all, we are organic beings living in a bio-medically chemically engineered world, it’s no wonder we are getting SICK. From GMO’s (genetically modified foods), to severe air and water pollution, prescription drug run off, factory pollution run off, unsafe food chemicals and packaging…. right down to the bottles we feed our babies with. Oh my! A highly toxic nation undernourished and over-processed. NOT a good combo! EEK!
People tend to get overwhelmed with the horrifying information out there, and think there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it – or make an ounce of difference – in the way our corporations go about “things”. And while this may be true, there still IS something you CAN do RIGHT NOW. Change YOU. Regardless of the “crap” that’s out there for food and products, you still have a choice whether you put it into your body or not… and the bodies of your babies… your family. And besides, no changes will be made with corporations, until the individual starts making changes in such a way that begins the demand for a change up the chain. 🙂
Cleaning up your diet is not a quick fix, like a powder, potion, or pill…. it’s a lifestyle! OOoohhh what a feel-good lifestyle choice it is! So, if you’re new to the clean eating thing, and not sure where to start, my suggestion would be to start small, baby steps, implement a few easy changes at a time… and watch it grow from there! First though, a little refresher:
Alkalinity vs. Acidity: The pH Factor
Remember way back in high school learning about the pH scale in Science class? The pH scale goes from 0-14 … 0-6 being acidic, 7 being neutral, 8-10 being alkaline, and 12-14 being highly alkaline. Well, our blood has a pH roughly of 7.35-7.45 and in order to maintain good health, we want our blood to stay around this number. Experts say that when a person has been diagnosed with Cancer, their internal pH is below 7, usually around a 5! The more advanced stage the cancer, the lower the internal pH. So, you can guess what someone with stage 4 Cancer would have an internal pH of: RED ZONE SCARY pH!
And the same goes for ALL disease! Over acidity in the body, chronic dehydration, and lack of oxygen to our cells causes Acidosis, e.i. pre-mature aging. The body begins to break down, can’t filter out the bad stuff, gets overburdened with toxic waste, and badda bing badda boom, you get sick! And right about now you are saying, “GEEZ Leanne, this is sssooooo depressing! I read this article to get easy tips, and ya hit me with a science lesson. Ugh!” This calls for a paradigm shift loves! This info is the opposite of depressing… it’s empowering!! The more you know, the better you understand. The more you understand, the better choices you make. We cannot make changes to something better, unless we understand where we are at now, in contrast. Simple knowledge of the pH factor is the road map to feeling better! YAY!
Do you have ANY idea how many millions of Americans are walking around right now, in a fast food/junk food/chemical coma state wondering WHY they feel sssssoooooo bad all the time? Being totally clueless about the fact it has everything to do with their environment and all they consume? OH YES, consider yourself ahead of the curve ball loves! So, now what?
6 Easy Steps To Clean Up Your Body
1. Quit FAST FOOD!! If you are a regular eater 3 times per week or more, start cutting the number of times you hit the drive through by half, and then wean yourself down to ZERO. The sooner you stop eating fast food, the sooner your body will thank you!
2. HYDRATE! Ramp up the water! Drink half your body weight in ounces per day to start. So if you are 100 lbs, drink 50 oz. per day. Water flushes toxins & chemicals, moves waste, improves digestion/circulation/concentration/sleep/metabolism, repairs cells, and allows major organs like your liver to detox. Find the cleanest purest water source you can as this is critical to nourishing and detoxing the body.
3. Go GREEN! Get 3-7 servings of RAW vegetables per day (organic preferred), and include plenty of greens. Peas, green beans, broccoli, spinach, romaine/green/boston lettuce, kale, dandelion leaves/root, flat leaf Italian parsley, and cucumbers are a few ideas for you. The more chlorophyll you get into your body, the better. It has amazing healing properties, detoxing properties, and alkalinity!
4. Lemons! Add them (organic preferred) to your water for extra detoxing power! They are fabulous little super foods for flushing and ridding the body of acid build up! I love to start my days with hot lemon water in the mornings, fresh squeezed organic lemon in a cup with very warm (not boiling) water … cool/cold lemon water throughout the day is great too!
5. Exercise! Not into exercise? Well at the very least, go for a walk! Take 15-20 minutes per day to walk your street, neighborhood, or work parking lot at lunch. Make it brisk, get your heart rate up! Great for circulation/digestion/moving waste/hormonal function/lymphatic fluid stagnation, stress relief, and improves sleep!
6. Meditate! Take time out (10-30 minutes per day), to sit and meditate. Quiet the mind, focus on your breathing, and think about all that you are grateful for. Think about all that is going RIGHT in your life, all that makes you happy, and the future wishes you want to make. Meditation and deep breathing exercises not only are a great stress reducer and help you ground yourself in your center, but breathing helps to increase oxygen flow that aids in removing toxins from your bloodstream. Win win! Breathing tip: Breathe in count 4, hold for count 4-6, breathe out count 4 .. and repeat for duration of meditation, or however long feels good to you!
Start implementing these small changes, and watch what happens! You’ll be amazed how much better you feel over time.
~ Leanne ♥
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